Consist of various background with technology as the common ground
We are a growing and non-bureaucratic organization developed by creating ideas to actual implementations.
Our team consists of young people with strong educational background who have passion in technology.
You’ll get competitive compensation, competitive salary, health insurance and also very nice working environment and corporate culture. Our founders have vision is making a place to bring Indonesian best people to shows their capabilities and stimulate creative ideas to come up. Most of our team consist of young people and I think it would suitable for millennial generation.
We have plenty of job positions to be offered. If you are energetic, honest, have passion in the technology and strong educational background, feel free to send your resume.
As the front gate of our company, Commercial Legionnaire is fully responsible for the four dimensional marketing strategy, included Product Development, Promotion and Yield Management.
Our Finance Department prepares financial reports and give financial advice to clients or company management. They also provide variety of information, such as external financial statements, to parties outside the organization.
Our Technology Department is responsible for development, management and support of the technology architecture, hardware, software, and the respective resources throughout our business needs.
Internship Program
Are you still in college? want an internship? If you have passion and want to learn in technology, travel & tourism and customer service.
Send your resume to hrd@voltras.co.id to apply internship program in Voltras Group